Accepting thrift offers can be an excellent way to move your merchandise fast! Thrift store owners are great at accepting offers and negotiating new deals to move inventory that's been sitting to make way for some new stuff. Before you accept the offer, however, there is a process to make sure you are getting the best price offer for you and your customer.
Evaluate the Offer
Start by deciding on the thrift offer. Consider if it makes financial sense for your situation if it's a fair offer and if the terms are satisfactory for all. You should also take a look at the resale value of the item you're selling to avoid taking any shorts in the end.
Always consider the value of your business, your reputation, and the satisfaction of your customers once they receive the products. An offer should be about business integrity too!
Price Negotiation
Negotiate: There's no harm in trying to negotiate a better price offer. If you think the offer is too low, counter with a higher price. It may surprise you to find that the buyer is willing to pay more than they initially offered.
One thing I learned is to never count people's pockets or think about what they won't be willing to spend their monies on or with. Sometimes they are testing the water to see what type of business person you may be. Negotiation is a game to some but if played right you can win!
Price Negotiation
Be polite: Be polite and respectful when negotiating deals for offers. Avoid making any personal attacks or insulting the buyer. A respectful approach can help to build goodwill, create positive interactions, and can often lead to repeat buyers or customers.
Always respect yourself, your brand, and your business. People are always watching what you do and say!
Seal the Deal
Finalize the deal: Once you've agreed on a price, make sure the offer is sent. Ensure the product or products agreed upon, are ready to do or be shipped especially if you have it in stock.
Once everyone is comfortable accept payment via Paypal or another secure platform that you are using. As a thrift store owner whatever app I'm using to finalize, that's typically how and where payments are made.
Join in the Fun!
Lastly, if you are new to the online reseller space consider joining my reseller success circle. This circle is just for newbies like you who need extra support with your new business. Here you get to grow, learn, and network with others who are just starting.
Click the picture above or here to join for FREE! Looking forward to seeing you in the circle!
Business Hack for Storage
Before I go let me leave you with a gem if you need storage bins for your products. I won't bore you with the details you can catch my gem of the week here! Purchase and store easily.
Grab yours now from my Amazon store and use these storage bins for just about anything you need.
Store. Save space. Enjoy!
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